14. 4. 2023
More than 2.6 million people commute to work at least five times a week, representing 76.3% of employed persons with an identified commuting frequency. More than 800,000 students commute to school at least five times a week, representing 86.9% of all students with an identified commuting frequency. This is based on data of commuting frequency and main mode of transport used to commuting to work and school from Census 2021 results.
Nearly 600,000 persons commute to work one to four times a week. For students, this figure exceeds 70 thousands.
In all regions, the most significant commuting frequency of employed persons to work is at least five times a week. The share of employed persons commuting at least five times a week in the total number of persons commuting to work with the identified commuting frequency ranges from 66.2% in Prague to 81.1% in Zlínský region.
The category of at least five times a week also dominates among students in all regions. The highest share of students commuting to school at least five times a week in the total number of students with an identified commuting frequency to school was recorded in Středočeský region (89.8%). It represented almost 125 thousands persons.
Almost 1.9 million persons drive a car to commute to work, representing 54.8% of employed people with an identified mode of transport. More than 530,000 people used public transport for commuting to work.
Students were most often do not use any mode of transport to get to school. Almost 250 thousand students walk to school only, which represents 26.6% of students with an identified mode of transport. 215,000 students use the bus for commuting to school.
In all regions, except for Prague, the most frequently used mode of transport for commuting to work was a car driven by the commuter. The share of persons commuting to work by self-driven car in the total number of commuters with an identified mode of transport was 63.5% in Karlovarský region, while in Prague it was only 30%. The most frequently used mode of transport for commuting to work in Prague was public transport, which was reported by more than 250 thousand persons in the 2021 Census.
The most commonly used mode of transport for commuting to school varies at the region level. In six regions (Liberecký, Moravskoslezský, Olomoucký, Jihomoravský, Ústecký, Karlovarský) most students walk to school. In Vysočina, Zlínský, Jihočeský, Královéhradecký, Pardubický and Plzeňský regions, the most frequently used mode of transport to get to school is the bus. In Prague, public transport dominates (51.4%) and in Středočeský region, most students commute to school as passengers in cars (24.8%).
The published results in the form of tables and cartograms up to the level of regions are available on the website scitani.gov.cz. The data for all territorial units up to the level of municipalities and municipality or administrative districts are available in the CZSO Public Database.