Census 2021

The average dwelling in Czechia has 3.9 rooms including a kitchen

The first data on the size of dwellings from the 2021 Census published in July has now been extended by the CZSO with additional data sets. They include data on the equipment of the dwelling with a kitchen or kitchenette and the number of living rooms including the kitchen.

According to the 2021 Census results, almost 1.2 million occupied dwellings is equipped only with a kitchenette. Over 2.9 million dwellings has a kitchen as a separate room that accounted for over 70% dwelling with a recorded kitchen equipment. If the kitchen is a separate room it is included in a total number of rooms in a dwelling.

The largest number of occupied dwellings by number of rooms (included kitchen) was four-room dwellings, which amounted to 1.3 million, and five or more-room dwellings, accounting for 1.2 million;  this represents three fifth of total occupied dwellings with known number of rooms. Nearly 1 million dwellings have three rooms. Average number of rooms (included kitchen) per one dwelling reached 3.9.

The published results, including tables and cartograms up to the level of regions, are available on the website scitani.gov.cz. The data for all territorial units up to the level of municipalities and municipality or administrative districts is available in the CZSO Public Database. Complete data is available for download in open CSV format at Census 2021 Results - Open Data webpage (Czech only).