Census 2021


The results of the 2021 Census can be viewed according to topic.


Total: 10,524,167
Females: 5,337,619
Average age: 42.7
Labour force: 5,563,258


Total: 2,317,276
Family houses: 2,065,723
Apartment buildings: 209,614
Occupied: 1,952,668


Total: 5,340,033
In family houses: 2,567,846
In apartment buildings: 2,690,100
Occupied: 4,480,139

Housekeeping households

Total: 4,813,103
One-couple families: 2,265,340
Lone-parent families: 508,590
One-person households: 1,880,336

Commuting to work or school

Commuting total: 5,073,543
Commuting to work: 3,642,644
Commuting to school: 1,430,899
Commuting outside municipality of residence: 2,663,454