Czech Statistical Office
The Czech Statistical Office is a professionally and politically independent institution. It provides and coordinates the state statistical service of the Czech Republic and processes statistics on the development of the national economy, the demographic situation, society or the environment. Once every 10 years, it conducts a Census of population, buildings and dwellings. The Census is a global action coordinated by the UN, and its results are the richest source of information about the population.
The Census 2021 is administrated by the Czech Statistical Office on the basis of Act No. 332/2020 Coll., On the Census of Population, Housing and Dwellings in 2021.
Czech Post
For the Census 2021 project, the Czech Post provides field work, i.e. the distribution and collection of paper Census forms in households, which have not enumerated themselves online. Approximately 10,000 Census enumerators who are employed by the Czech Post, will be involved in this activity. In addition, the Czech post cooperates in updating and supplementing information on buildings and dwellings; printing paper materials, digitizing (scanning), shredding paper Census forms, as well as operating a network of contact points at its selected branches. The Government of the Czech Republic decided to carry out field work by the Czech Post in its Resolution No. 391 of 19 June 2018 when approving the white paper concerning the Act on the Census of Population, Housing and Dwellings in 2021.
Czech Post official website