Census 2021

Type of heating

More than two thirds (68.0%) of occupied houses with information on a type of heating had central house heating from a boiler room or from a boiler outside dwellings. About every twentieth (5.6%) occupied house was heated by central remote heating from a heating plant or from a community heating centre. More than one fourth (26.4%) of occupied houses did not have central heating.

Family Houses
  • Family Houses
  • Apartment Buildings

Occupied houses by type of heating in 1991 – 2021
  • Occupied houses by type of heating in 1991 – 2021
  • Occupied houses by type of heating and regions

in 1991 and 2001 permanently occupied houses, in 2011 and 2021 usually occupied houses

Czech Republic

Year of the Census


by type of heating

central remote
central house
no central

not identified


1 597 076 92 062 601 183 903 092 739


1 630 705 98 473 1 093 700 420 416 18 116


1 800 075 100 320 1 350 008 302 995 46 752


1 952 668 107 882 1 315 251 511 027 18 508

1) Includes houses with neither central remote heating nor central house heating. Each dwelling could be heated by central dwelling heating with own source only for the dwelling or other types of heating.

The central house heating was the most common type of heating for occupied houses with a known type of heating in Zlínský (72.2%) and Jihomoravský regions (72.1%), on the contrary the lowest share was recorded in Prague (56.4%). The share of occupied houses with central remote heating was by a wide margin the highest in the Capital City of Prague (15.2%) ahead of the second Karlovarský region (11.7%). By contrast, this share reached the lowest in Středočeský region (3.0%). Almost one third of occupied house in Liberecký (31.7%) and Královehradecký region (30.7%) were without central heating, while the lowest share of occupied houses without central heating had Moravskoslezský region (23.7%).

"No central heating" category includes houses with neither central remote heating nor central house heating. Each dwelling could be heated by central dwelling heating with own source only for the dwelling or other types of heating.

State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULKZLKVYSSTČPHAPLKPAKOLKMSKLBKHKKKVKJHMJHČShare of occupied houses with central remote heating (%)2.04.816.0
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