Census 2021

Age structure

Among those enumerated, children aged 0-14 accounted for 16.1%, persons aged 15-64 accounted for 63.5%, and seniors aged 65 and over accounted for 20.4%. The average age of the population was 42.7 years, with females being slightly older at 44.1 years than males at 41.2 years. Since the previous census in 2011, both males and females have aged an average of 1.7 years.


in 1991 and 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence

Czech Republic

Year of the Census

Total population1)

Population aged 0-14 years

Population aged 15-64 years

Population aged 65 and over

Average age (years)














10 302 215 2 164 436 1 108 049 1 056 387 6 834 465 3 400 987 3 433 478 1 301 957 490 140 811 817 36.3 34.6 38.0


10 230 060 1 654 862 849 004 805 858 7 161 144 3 587 971 3 573 173 1 410 571 543 114 867 457 38.8 37.1 40.3


10 436 560 1 488 928 763 949 724 979 7 267 169 3 661 790 3 605 379 1 644 836 664 125 980 711 41.0 39.5 42.4


10 524 167 1 691 760 866 322 825 438 6 684 359 3 416 851 3 267 508 2 148 048 903 375 1 244 673 42.7 41.2 44.1

1) total population in 1991 – 2011 includes persons of unknown age

The youngest inhabitants lived in the Capital City of Prague, where the average age reached 41.4 years, and the oldest in Zlínský region, where the average age reached 43.8 years. At the same time, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over was the lowest in the Capital City of Prague (18.4%), while the highest was in the Královéhradecký region (22.4%). The percentage of children aged up to and including 14 years was highest in Středočeský region (17.9%) and lowest (15.3%) in the Capital City of Prague and Karlovarský region. The highest proportion of the population aged 15-64 was in the Capital City of Prague (66.3%) and the lowest in the Královéhradecký region (61.9%).


average age (years)

Census: 2021







Czech Republic

42.7 41.2 44.1

Hlavní město Praha

41.4 39.9 42.8

Středočeský kraj

41.6 40.4 42.8

Jihočeský kraj

43.2 41.9 44.5

Plzeňský kraj

43.0 41.7 44.3

Karlovarský kraj

43.6 42.2 45.0

Ústecký kraj

42.7 41.3 44.1

Liberecký kraj

42.7 41.3 44.2

Královéhradecký kraj

43.6 42.1 45.2

Pardubický kraj

42.9 41.4 44.4

Kraj Vysočina

43.4 42.0 44.7

Jihomoravský kraj

42.4 40.9 43.9

Olomoucký kraj

43.3 41.7 44.8

Zlínský kraj

43.8 42.0 45.5

Moravskoslezský kraj

43.3 41.7 44.9


State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULK ZLK VYS STČ PHA PLK PAK OLK MSK LBK HKK KVK JHM JHČ Počet mužů na 100 žen (index maskulinity) 94,0 97,7 99,0
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