in 1991 and 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence
Czech Republic
Year of the Census |
Population |
by the highest educational attainment |
no education |
lower secondary or primary education |
secondary, incl. vocational (without graduation) |
upper or post secondary education |
post-secondary professional education, conservatoire |
tertiary education |
not identified |
1991 |
8 136 422 | 27 768 | 2 695 812 | 2 878 564 | 1 857 815 | 9 138 | 582 821 | 84 504 |
2001 |
8 571 715 | 37 922 | 1 974 781 | 3 254 921 | 2 322 623 | 108 111 | 762 235 | 111 122 |
2011 |
8 912 005 | 41 632 | 1 568 732 | 2 948 280 | 2 670 725 | 116 988 | 1 113 887 | 451 761 |
2021 |
8 832 407 | 56 100 | 1 107 860 | 2 736 983 | 2 729 091 | 138 588 | 1 552 407 | 511 378 |
The Capital City of Prague stood out significantly with the highest share of people with tertiary education, which reached 35.9%, followed by the Jihomoravský region with a share of 21.8%. Prague also had an above-average share of inhabitants with secondary education with graduation or higher (37.3%) and, on the contrary, the lowest share of inhabitants with primary or lower secondary education (8.3%) and secondary, incl. vocational without graduation (18.1%). At the other end of the regional ranking was the Karlovarský region with the lowest share of 10.5% of the university educated and the highest share of people with no formal education (1.3%) and with primary or lower secondary education (18.4%).
by usual residence
Census 2021
Region |
Population |
by the highest educational attainment |
no education | lower secondary or primary education |
secondary, incl. vocational (without graduation) |
upper or post secondary education |
post-secondary professional education, conservatoire |
tertiary education | not identified | ||
Czech Republic |
8 832 407 | 56 100 | 1 107 860 | 2 736 983 | 2 729 091 | 138 588 | 1 552 407 | 511 378 |
Prague, the capital of |
1 102 063 | 3 916 | 85 743 | 187 884 | 361 420 | 24 906 | 371 351 | 66 843 |
Středočeský kraj |
1 162 092 | 6 682 | 141 349 | 354 022 | 378 109 | 20 836 | 196 805 | 64 289 |
Jihočeský kraj |
530 545 | 3 052 | 67 839 | 177 523 | 164 649 | 8 322 | 79 899 | 29 261 |
Plzeňský kraj |
490 442 | 3 037 | 64 163 | 162 010 | 151 830 | 7 896 | 70 888 | 30 618 |
Karlovarský kraj |
236 517 | 2 779 | 39 915 | 81 345 | 66 737 | 3 062 | 22 803 | 19 876 |
Ústecký kraj |
662 139 | 7 794 | 110 309 | 223 213 | 189 331 | 8 024 | 68 782 | 54 686 |
Liberecký kraj |
363 889 | 2 817 | 49 895 | 124 205 | 108 828 | 4 975 | 48 054 | 25 115 |
Královéhradecký kraj |
453 626 | 2 711 | 57 514 | 154 031 | 143 910 | 7 113 | 63 077 | 25 270 |
Pardubický kraj |
427 281 | 2 656 | 53 808 | 149 516 | 132 997 | 7 375 | 58 987 | 21 942 |
Kraj Vysočina |
418 463 | 2 045 | 51 793 | 153 400 | 130 037 | 6 922 | 56 276 | 17 990 |
Jihomoravský kraj |
1 003 977 | 4 947 | 121 166 | 301 905 | 304 647 | 15 190 | 207 890 | 48 232 |
Olomoucký kraj |
521 624 | 3 633 | 66 923 | 174 363 | 160 512 | 7 209 | 81 795 | 27 189 |
Zlínský kraj |
477 032 | 2 524 | 61 957 | 164 718 | 146 065 | 5 855 | 74 338 | 21 575 |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
982 717 | 7 507 | 135 486 | 328 848 | 290 019 | 10 903 | 151 462 | 58 492 |
State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part
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