in 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence
Czech Republic
Year of Census |
Employed total |
by status in employment | |||
employees |
employers |
own-account workers |
not identified |
2001 |
4 766 463 | 3 890 620 | 171 781 | 572 200 | 100 579 |
2011 |
4 580 714 | 3 568 223 | 164 921 | 589 168 | 233 575 |
2021 |
5 290 071 | 4 027 988 | 53 454 | 718 346 | 490 283 |
In terms of the structure of employed persons by status in employment, the Capital City of Prague again stood out among the regions, with by far the highest share of own-account workers (20.7%) and the lowest share of persons with the employee status (78.7%). The Moravskoslezský Region was on the opposite side of the ranking, with the lowest relative share of own-account workers (12.0%) and the highest share of employees (86.7%) of all regions.
State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part
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