Census 2021

Marital status

Of the census population aged 15 years and over, 32.1% were single and 45.6% were married. There were large differences between males and females, with 37.5% of males and 26.9% of females being single. The opposite disparity was among the widowed, who were represented by 2.9% among males and 13.3% among females.


in 1991 and 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence

Czech Republic

Year of the Census

Male total

Males by marital status

Female total

Females by marital status










4 999 935 2 081 308 2 544 573 241 316 126 989 5 302 280 1 724 468 2 548 988 330 183 695 114


4 982 071 2 107 595 2 370 674 352 079 122 066 5 247 989 1 725 980 2 373 083 459 511 662 558


5 109 766

2 287 597

2 211 579

466 461

126 475

5 326 794

1 876 830

2 197 895

606 486

634 671


5 186 548 2 477 037 2 009 738 544 287 124 903 5 337 619 2 031 554 1 997 604 688 825 595 672

The highest proportion of single people aged 15 and over was in the Capital City of Prague, where it reached 38.7%, and also the lowest proportion of widowed people was here and reached 6.5%. The smallest part of the population was single in the Vysočina region (29.2%) and Zlínský egion (29.6%). The Vysočina region had the highest proportion of married people (50.4%) and the lowest proportion of divorced people (11.6%), while the Capital City of Prague had the lowest proportion of married people (40.8%) and the Karlovarský region the highest proportion of divorced people (17.2%).

State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULK ZLK VYS STČ PHA PLK PAK OLK MSK LBK HKK KVK JHM JHČ Počet mužů na 100 žen (index maskulinity) 94,0 97,7 99,0
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