*) until 2001 permanently occupied dwellings, in 2011 and 2021 usually occupied dwellings
The data has been converted to the territory valid on 26 March 2021
The data has been converted to the territory valid on 26 March 2021
The data has been converted to the territory valid on 26 March 2021
The data has been converted to the territory valid on 26 March 2021
According to the 2021 Census, the Capital City of Prague had the highest number of occupied dwellings, with almost 630 thousand of them, which accounted for 14.0% of the total number of occupied dwellings. The second was the Středočeský Region with more than 560 thousand dwellings, which accounted for 12.5%, and the third was the Moravskoslezský Region with more than 500 thousand dwellings, which accounted for 11.2% of all occupied dwellings. On the other hand, the lowest number of dwellings was in the Karlovy Vary Region, where there were less than 130 thousand of them and they accounted for only 2.8% of all occupied dwellings in the Czech Republic. The second lowest number of occupied dwellings was recorded in the Liberecký Region, where there were less than 190 thousand of them with a share of 4.2%.
in 1991 and 2001 permanently occupied dwellings, in 2011 and 2021 usually occupied dwellings
Region |
Year of the Census |
1991 |
2001 |
2011 |
2021 |
Czech Republic |
3 705 681 | 3 827 678 | 4 104 635 | 4 480 139 |
Prague, the capital of |
495 804 | 496 940 | 542 168 | 627 705 |
Středočeský kraj |
398 988 | 413 060 | 482 860 | 561 642 |
Jihočeský kraj |
220 802 | 231 281 | 247 608 | 265 601 |
Plzeňský kraj |
203 081 | 208 992 | 226 298 | 247 030 |
Karlovarský kraj |
110 112 | 115 899 | 119 392 | 125 299 |
Ústecký kraj |
309 621 | 321 942 | 330 992 | 353 285 |
Liberecký kraj |
155 363 | 161 830 | 171 328 | 187 627 |
Královéhradecký kraj |
198 446 | 204 529 | 215 277 | 228 569 |
Pardubický kraj |
175 443 | 182 943 | 196 288 | 209 133 |
Kraj Vysočina |
170 165 | 177 386 | 188 191 | 195 098 |
Jihomoravský kraj |
396 723 | 407 270 | 443 356 | 490 005 |
Olomoucký kraj |
223 857 | 232 052 | 243 624 | 259 885 |
Zlínský kraj |
196 120 | 204 806 | 217 093 | 226 219 |
Moravskoslezský kraj |
451 156 | 468 748 | 480 160 | 503 041 |
*) the regional data have been converted to the territory valid on 26 March 2021
State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part
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