Census 2021

Size of housekeeping household

The average housekeeping household size was 2.15 persons. Almost 68% of households had one or two people living in them. More than 95% of households had four or less members. Only 4% of households represented households with five or more members. Households with 7 or more members occur in population only sporadically (less than a half of all households).

Number of persons living in housekeeping households reached 10 359 900, which represented 98% of total population of the Czech Republic.

in 1991 and 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence

Czech Republic

Year of Census


by size of housekeeping household

Number of
members, total
Average number of
members per







7 or more


3 983 858 1 047 221 1 084 066 738 663 829 498 224 623 47 128 12 659 10 250 493 2.57


4 216 085 1 276 176 1 187 439 794 734 737 407 169 353 37 218 13 758 10 158 879 2.41


4 375 122 1 422 147 1 300 311 765 478 642 570 168 490 50 317 25 809 10 239 015 2.34


4 813 103 1 880 336 1 421 003 701 829 602 503 151 123 39 219 17 090 10 359 900 2.15

The average housekeeping household size is strongly influenced by the share of one-person households. It is demonstrated on households in the capital city of Prague, where thanks to high representation of one-person households, the average number of housekeeping household members is lowest of all regions (less than 2 members). Housekeeping households with one member are the most common size of a household, the above-average representation had also Karlovarský, Ústecký, Liberecký and Moravskoslezský regions. The highest average number of household members had Vysočina, Středočeský and Zlínský regions (about 2.3). These regions also recorded an above-average share of households with 4 or more members, about one fifth of all housekeeping households.

Census: 2021


Territory Number of housekeeping households Average number of members per housekeeping household

Czech Republic

4,813,103 2.15

Hlavní město Praha

658,001 1.95

Středočeský kraj

612,940 2.27

Jihočeský kraj

284,812 2.19

Plzeňský kraj

267,112 2.14

Karlovarský kraj

135,416 2.02

Ústecký kraj

377,305 2.06

Liberecký kraj

201,102 2.13

Královéhradecký kraj

244,683 2.17

Pardubický kraj

224,265 2.23

Kraj Vysočina

210,806 2.32

Jihomoravský kraj

529,939 2.23

Olomoucký kraj

280,121 2.18

Zlínský kraj

245,325 2.27

Moravskoslezský kraj

541,276 2.12


State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULK ZLK VYS STČ PHA PLK PAK OLK MSK LBK HKK KVK JHM JHČ Počet mužů na 100 žen (index maskulinity) 94,0 97,7 99,0
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