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in 1991 and 2001 permanently occupied dwellings, in 2011 and 2021 usually occupied dwellings
Czech Republic
Year of Census |
Occupied |
by tenure status |
own house | private ownership | co-operative ownership |
other free use of dwelling |
rental | other | not identified | ||
1991 |
3 705 681 | 1 367 027 | 31 164 | 697 829 | 94 875 | 1 465 231 | 45 586 | 3 969 |
2001 |
3 827 678 | 1 371 684 | 421 654 | 652 028 | 173 656 | 1 092 950 | 96 747 | 18 959 |
2011 |
4 104 635 | 1 470 174 | 824 076 | 385 601 | 140 348 | 920 405 | 44 645 | 319 386 |
2021 |
4 480 139 | 1 595 698 | 1 121 375 | 140 821 | 260 225 | 890 802 | 133 474 | 337 744 |
The most frequent tenure status of an occupied dwelling with the identified characteristics in all regions except the Capital City of Prague and the Karlovarský Region was dwelling in own house. The highest share of this tenure status was in the Středočeský Region and reached 53.4%. This share was also above 50% in the Vysočina Region (52.4%) and the Zlínský Region (50.6%). The Capital City of Prague had the highest share of privately owned dwellings (38.3%) and the Karlovarský Region also (40.1%). The Capital City of Prague had a significantly lower share of privately owned dwellings than the other regions, which was 11.0%.
State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part
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